All Gold Fields group governance protocols apply at South Deep. We are thus compliant with a number of business ethics and sustainability standards relevant to our jurisdiction.
Our Group Code of Conduct guides the behaviour of every employee and service provider to the company. It is aligned with national and international business ethics and anti-corruption standards, including the UN Convention against Corruption (2003) and the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions (1997). The code can be downloaded in multiple languages, and as a summary by following this link
The main standards we adhere to can be summarised as follows:
Gold Fields Limited has joined the Paris Pledge for Action supporting the global call from business/ cities/ civil society groups/ investors/ regions/ trade unions for a credible, coherent and unmistakable signal that the Paris Agreement will be implemented and commitments met.
Our Sustainable Development Framework is guided by the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) 10 Principles on sustainable development and the supporting position statements.
We are guided by the principles advocated by the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), in which we are a participant.
South Deep is certified to the international OHSAS 18001 Health and Safety Standard.
The Board has adopted the principles on good corporate governance contained in the King IV Code of Governance Principles for South Africa.
Our reporting is guided by the internationally recognised Global Reporting Initiative's (GRI) Standards Sustainability Reporting Guidelines, including the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement.
In 2017 Gold Fields qualified for inclusion in the RobecoSAM Sustainability Yearbook and received a Bronze Class distinction for its excellent sustainability performance and leadership in its sector.
We prioritise and engage our stakeholder groups according to the AccountAbility AA 1000 stakeholder engagement principles, together will Gold Fields’ community policy Guideline Handbook the Community Relations and Stakeholder Engagement guidelines and handbook.
We support the principles and processes of the Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative through our membership of the International Council on Mining and Metals.
South Deep is certified to the International Organization for Standardization ISO 14001 standard.
South Deep is fully compliant with the requirements of the International Cyanide Management Code.
South Deep conforms with the World Gold Council Conflict-Free Gold Standard.