South Deep Trusts

In 2010, Gold Fields set up two independent though interconnected trusts through which to disburse resources and support the communities in the various municipal wards neighbouring the South Deep operation, as well as those from labour-sending areas. The trusts are part of South Deep’s Black Economic Empowerment ownership structure and receive annual dividend income from the mine. Each Trust has a specific scope of work that is ultimately intended to empower communities to be self-sufficient.

The South Deep Community Trust (SDCT) has a programme of community, development and training projects in place that contribute to job creation, adult education, infrastructure development and capacity-building assistance for emerging micro-enterprises and community-based initiatives. It also provides funding to charitable institutions with similar objectives.

The South Deep Education Trust (SDET) has five focus areas. The education component covers the provision of facilities and infrastructure, tuition, scholarships and bursaries, school safety and security, outreach programmes, study and research. The SDET also has a legal resources arm which provides a range of legal services to the community; a section that works with self-help and poverty alleviation; one that provides funding to labour sending areas; and a component that manages donations to charitable institutions with similar objectives to the Trust.

Success stories

South Deep and the South Deep Trusts are proud to have added value in our communities in a variety of ways.

Kagiso Day Care Centre

The Kagiso Day Care Centre has been taking care of children in the Hillside community for many years. The centre was established in 2008 and offers three classes, beginning with pre-grade R.

“We were struggling with many things before we spoke to the South Deep Trust. We are now being assisted with funding, building a proper structure for the centre and teacher training.”

Franscina Moloi, Kagiso Day Care Centre Chairperson

Kagiso Day Care Centre [photo]

Philani Community Development Centre

The Philani Community Development Centre was established in 2001 as a community-based organisation. Founder, Phyllis Malope, started the centre to provide upliftment in the community of Zuurbekom, particularly to the youth who were often found sitting on the pavements. Its programmes aim to increase the levels of volunteerism in surrounding communities. The centre facilitates various projects through its Incubation Hub, including a garment producer, skills development programme, construction business, vegetable producer, and mattress manufacturer, amongst many others.

As part of a three-year project (2017-2019) the South Deep Trusts provided funding to the Philani Community Development Centre that was utilised to register and make compliant 32 community cooperatives, with the support of the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA) and the Gauteng Enterprise Propeller (GEP). By the end of the period, 56% of the cooperatives were already generating an income. In total, this grant impacted more than 280 people, who also received skills development training as part of the process.

While the funding period has come to an end, the impact continues to be felt in the Zuurbekom community.

“The South Deep Community Trust contribution to Philani has allowed beneficiaries to gain skills, knowledge on trade, governance and business management, and support them with tools to start their businesses independently. ”

Phyllis Malope, Philani Community Development Centre Founder and Executive Director

Philani Community Development Centre [photo]

Philani Development Centre: Incubation Hub

Sikhulile Primary Cooperative

Sikhulile is one of the beneficiaries empowered through the Philani Development Centre’s Innovation Hub. It is a local garment production business on the West Rand, specialising in manufacturing school uniforms, traditional wear, linen and curtains. The business currently supports 465 local schools, fulfilling orders as large as 8,000 uniform packs. Sikhulile provides employment to women from surrounding communities, and also invites other cooperatives into their production facility to share their knowledge on sewing.

“We use our machines to train cooperatives from different communities on basic sewing skills.”

Gloria Mokhele, Sikhulili Project Supervisor

Sikhulile Primary Cooperative [photo]

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